Study Skills


In today’s blog, I will discuss how the ideas mentioned in the videos compare to my previous experiences of reading and studying, my previous experiences with the concept of media literacy and I will also touch on some applications that I think of for media literacy that weren’t mentioned or discussed in the video.

To start I will talk about my own previous experiences with reading and studying, coming straight from secondary school I have had a lot of practice of both. Throughout the years of secondary school a lot of reading and studying is a vital part of learning due to both state exams, the Junior Certificate and the Leaving Certificate this is a different type of reading and studying as you’re only required to remember answers and information for a particular subject. Whereas in college you’re reading and studying to grasp a better knowledge and understanding of a particular module. For many students including myself that have been or are still attending second-level education, it is difficult for them to find a suitable way to read/study and retain that knowledge. I feel that if I had have heard some of these study tips before my state exams I could’ve greatly benefited from it. Some of these examples that I found in this video ( ) include : 

•Quizzing yourself because the harder your brain works while studying the more information that is retained.

•Spacing out your studying over time because this avoids cramming all information into one day and forgetting it later on.

•Mixing studies is beneficial because it allows you to use multiple parts of your brain and therefore leads to your brain working harder which allows you to gain and retain more information.

The above tips that were discussed in the video were explained very well and I feel that many students would benefit greatly and in multiple ways across all of their time in education. This video has helped me grasp a better understanding of studying and reading and will allow me to apply these techniques to my studying in the future.

I will start by saying that up until recently I didn’t have a great understanding of the topic of ‘Media Literacy’ but now that I have grasped some knowledge I have come to the realization that it is used regularly and has become big importance to everybody whether they realize it or not. Some of everybody’s experiences with the concept of media literacy include simple everyday things such as scrolling on social media and receiving information, whether it be news or something as simple as information on new offers available on your favorite clothing websites. It is a very important concept to understand for both the producers and recipients of new content, It allows people to communicate and grasp better knowledge and understanding on many different things.

I feel that media literacy is found in the majority if not all applications and it’s just that some may be more obvious than others. Applications such as Facebook, Twitter , Instagram, and YouTube all spring to mind when I think of digital literacy because all kinds of information and content both formal and informal are produced on every one of these applications.



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